Take Charge Of Your Health
Managing your health is a challenge, one determined by the choices that you make daily. To make decisions that last, you must understand the benefits and consequences of your choices. Ask the following questions:
– Do I truly value my health?
– What are the benefits of making daily healthy choices?
– What are the consequences if I continue on my current path?
– Am I a good role model for my family?
– Do I want my children to endure my health struggles?
The thought of making healthy changes can be overwhelming, but it is not impossible. Most important factors in making healthy changes are:
understanding that we all have the gift of choice, obtaining nutritional and physical knowledge that is not based on supplements, learning how to balance a healthy life, building a support system, understanding your health benefits and consequences.
Making lifestyle changes is a life long process, full of daily choices and simply not fixed by a six week health challenge. However, obtaining proper nutritional knowledge, understadning your emotional connection to food, setting simple doable goals, will set you for success while adding quality to your and your family’s long life.